Steps for Building Your Faith Organization’s Perfect Playground!

Steps for Building Your Faith Organization’s Perfect Playground!

Places of worship are important places where children develop healthy minds, bodies, and souls. Your local church, synagogue, or mosque is likely also a leading light in your community. Adding a playground to your faith organization is just one more way in which you can enrich the development of local families and children. We want to help ensure you have all the preparation you need to build the perfect playground for your faith community.

Create a multi-step plan

In order to properly plan for your faith organization’s new playground, you’ll need to assess some necessary elements. Ask questions yourself questions like:

Who will be using this playground in my community, and how many people do I need to accommodate?

- What does the landscape around my playground site look like? (Other structures, trees and shrubbery, slope of the ground, shade or sun?)

- How close is my site to necessary amenities like bathrooms?

Working with our team at Playground Experts can help you make sure that all of these questions and more are properly attended to.

Fundraise in your community

There are three elements to your playground’s budget: Equipment, installation, and safety surfacing. In order to provide the perfect playground, fundraising in your faith community may be a good option! Not only does this give your organization a sense of ownership in their playground, but will involve every member of your faith community, young and old. 

Choose the best playground equipment

Choosing a vibrant and affordable playground design will help attract young families of worship to your space. The playground is also a great place for children to spend time during religious programs and events. This means you may also want to consider equipment like benches, receptacles, and fabric shades so that everyone is comfortable. 

Bring your community together to build

One of the best ways to save some money for your playground equipment is to organize a community build. Not only does this involve members of your community in the process of creating their own playground, but it allows for new connections and a stronger community bond to be made. This helps nurture your faith organization’s role as a place where personal development is cultivated.

Ultimately, we want to ensure that your playground is an extension of your faith organization – An enriching and fun space for children! By following just a few steps to building the perfect playground for your faith organization, you can make the process a community-strengthening one.

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