Why Building a Playground Would be Great For Your Community

Playgrounds are known for being a fun place for young kids to run around and develop their abilities. Yet, the benefits of building a playground are much more far-reaching than just impacting younger families. Building a playground offers your community the chance to give everyone an opportunity to enjoy benefits that enhance their quality of life.

Create Safe Gathering Spaces

During the past year, the importance of having outdoor gathering areas has become clearer. Giving people a place to host a birthday party outdoors where social distancing is easier helps with controlling the spread of illnesses in the community. Families and friends might also choose to meet together in the park for a picnic as a healthier alternative to visiting a restaurant.

Reduce Childhood Obesity Rates

Currently, approximately 15.5% of high school aged kids are obese. Communities that create safe places for teenagers to exercise outside are more likely to have lower rates of childhood obesity. Teenagers can enjoy using outdoor fitness equipment to work out, and curbing obesity among younger children means that your community’s residents will grow up healthier.

Promote Wholesome Activities

Crime becomes a problem in communities that fail to provide people with enough positive ways to fill their time. Bored teens and young adults are more likely to start looking for ways to enjoy a thrill such as shoplifting. Creating a playground with room for everyone to enjoy time outside means that your community will see people engaging in sports and playtime on the playground rather than loitering in the streets.

Improve Property Values

Outdoor playground equipment is attractive, and people prefer to buy houses that are located in communities that are clearly family friendly. Parks and recreation areas are amenities that help to boost the property values of the houses in the area. The value of commercial property can also increase since businesses will want to set up shop in areas where children and their families are known to visit. For instance, families often enjoy stopping at a nearby ice cream shop after a day at the park.

Encourage a Sense of Community with a Playground

A community playground belongs to everyone. You’ll begin building a stronger community from the very beginning of the planning process by inviting the local residents to share their ideas. Once the play equipment is installed, everyone can work together to keep the playground safe and clean. You can also install pavilions and other gathering areas that encourage the people in your community to get together to celebrate special events. Creating a space where everyone feels welcome makes it possible to build strong bonds among the people who live and work in your community.

Convincing community planners that a playground is important shouldn’t be too hard. After all, everyone loves having a space where families can go to create special memories. Whether your community’s playground is a small plot with only a few pieces of equipment or a sprawling athletic complex, you’ll find everything you need here to provide the most benefits to the people who live in your area.

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